Below you will find information that is specific to your company and the products that you purchase.


22407W 06107XX Lemon Oil Naardenized (cert) (O-K-P)
047000 / 04000902200 5X83045 Cottage Cheese Flav #1 Art (O-K-P)
979A / 0400000530000 7I10369 Grape Flav WONF (O-K-P-R)
391600 / 04000708500 7Y15919 Tomato Flav WONF (K-P-R)
0391200/04007682000 DY01046 Tomato Flav Art. (EP-3964) (O-K-P)
462A / 0400028670000 DY01387 Berry Flav WONF (K-P)
10470W DY02082 Foenugreek Extract NAT (A-4130) (O-K-P)
861A / 0400000420000 DY04074 Benzaldehyde Flav Art (EP-7611) (O-K-P)
589A / 0400062300000 DY04083 Butterscotch Flav Nat & Art (EP-3261) OKDR
075A / 0400036440010 DY04093 Coconut Flav Art #8702 (K-D-R)
038A / 0400001780000 DY04111 Zlemon Flav Nat (EP-17291) (O-K-P-R)
486A / 0400132320000 DY04126 Pistachio Flav Art (EP-4985) (O-K-P-R)
DY04721 DY04721 Orange Flav WONF (O-K-P-R)
R 5370259100 / 0400052 DY08004 Green Bell Pepper Type Flv Nat (K-P-R)
042A / 0400012190000 DY08323 Grape Flav (O-K-P)
731200 / 04000768800 DY08909 Lemon Emulsion Nat #454 (5X83000) (O-K-P)
05391W DY09158 Heliocrete Nat & Art (O-K-P-R)
22111A / F06058 DY09317 Orange Oil Naardenized Dewaxed (O-K-P)
NN04882 / 22385W DY09368 Lime Oil/Naard Sub WONF (K-P)
0666007 / 04007686000 DY09384 Art Flav 371A (O-K-P-R)
52849W IN04728 Grape Flav Art (O-K-P)
4010002300100 QL31837 Cottage Cheese Flav Art (K-P)
040400 / 04000711600 RR39657 Zsmoke Flav Nat (O-K-P-R)
5X59077 NZ Amine EKC Ð 175 LB Drum
  5X59086 Hy Soy Kosher Ð 125 LB Drum
P15045 DM35100 Lemon Lime PWD.
P15092 DM35109 Grapefruit CAPS
P15095 MV05697 ZZZ_Mexico Unknown
MP104049 59-4042 Strawberry
  59-4530P Pumpkin/Squash Powder
5D01206 Myverol 18-92 425 LB Drum
5D01214 Myvacet 7-07 40 LB Drum
  5D01217 Myvacet 9-45 425 LB Drum
5D01218 Myvaplex 600 55 LB Box
5D01232 Myvacet 7-07 400 LB Drum
5D01245 Myvatex Mighty Soft 45 LB Box
5X59077 NZ Amine EKC (175 LB Drum)
5X59086 Hy Soy Kosher Ð 125 LB Drum
568000 / 04001168900 5X73262 Maple 259C (4/C)
5X73271 Lactose, ANHYD, 60M NF (200# DR)
04000902200000 5X83045 DNU ** Cottage Cheese
52297W 5X88014 Vanilla 27 (4/C)
5Z10578 Myverol 18-07K (25KG Box)
5Z10584 Myvacet 9-45 (200KG Drum)
5Z10603 Myvacet 7-07 (200KG Drum)
5370-309-200 04035 **Ethyl Vanillin (K)
5D50084 Atmul 84K (20KG)
5D50105 Atsurf 596K (195KG)
5D51016 Tween 60K (55GAL)
5370-785-500 5X83070 Orange 421
5371-335-500 / 7I 7I10369 Grape Flavor Artificial
5370-0595-500 / DN DN02191 Dill Flav Nat
5590-111-000 / DN DN50532 MEL 222*Kascher*RK 5590111000 KFG5341
5850-566-004 / DN DN50533 MEL.D'EPI.S-687 RK5850 566004 (k) KFG5341
5370-595-510 / DN DN52007 Dillweed Flavour Kosher Dairy KFG5341
5371-320-000 / DY DY04011 Butterscotch Flavor Artificial #GB-5
5371-314-001 / DY DY04074 Benzaldehyde Flavour Artificial EP-7611
5370-250-200 / DY DY04111 Lemon Flavor Natural EP-17291
5371-155-250 DY04616 Amaretto NFTO
5370-259-100 / DY DY08004 Pepper, Green Bell, NAT
5370-040-400 / RR RR39657 Smoke Flavor Natural
668A / 0400038510010 DN03176 Chicken Roast Flavor Cuisine
745A / 0400009270000 DN03204 Chicken Rotisserie FL WONF Cuisine
736 / 04001414100000 DY04310 Cuisine MSG Replacer NAT (KP)
